commercial remodeling bremerton wa

Office Remodeling Is a Smart Investment

Silverdale, Poulsbo & Bremerton, WA companies appreciate Premium's quality work

Whether you run a local retail store or a corporate business, you can depend on Poulsbo, Washington's office remodeling pros. Premium Home Builders, LLC has spent the last 40 years improving the aesthetic appeal of residential and commercial properties. We'll create a tasteful workspace that reflects your office atmosphere.

Call 360-731-4346 to speak with our licensed and insured contractors today.

4 ways to impress your clients and motivate your employees

  1. Get rid of white walls - white goes with everything, but it's bland and uninspiring. A pop of color can work wonders for a person's productivity.
  2. Install wood flooring - the sheen of oak floorboards will add a touch of class to your office. You can browse a variety of finishes and styles.
  3. Repair structural damage - when you prioritize office remodeling, you show your employees that you care about their work environment.
  4. Consider an addition - expand the breakroom, or invest in an extra bathroom. Premium can make useful design suggestions.

Take advantage of our affordable rates, and remember, we can travel throughout the Silverdale, Bremerton, or Poulsbo, WA areas.